Objective: To study the spatial change of transverse arch in the metatarsal head during a normal walking cycle, demonstrate the significance of transverse arch in normal walking. 目的:观察正常步态周期中跖骨头平面足横弓的运动形态,并探讨跖骨头平面足横弓在行走过程中的重要意义。
The nutrient arteries to first metatarsal bone usually originate from the ramus plantaris profundus and the first plantar metatarsal artery, while the nutrient arteries to the other metatarsal bones mainly derive from the plantar metatarsal arteries, the plantar arch and its perforating branches. 第1跖骨的滋养动脉通常来自足底深支和第1跖足底动脉,其他跖骨的滋养动脉主要来自跖足底动脉、足底弓及其穿支。